If Your Unhappy Look In The Mirror.
Updated: Mar 6
Unfair treatment is not a reason to cheat, to lie, to abuse, or to be dishonest. We must learn to cultivate a self-contained happiness and not be slaves to a system of dependency another words if circumstances are pleasant then we are happy, but if circumstances are unpleasant then we are unhappy.

Overt circumstances for happiness is a set up for frustration and misery in life. Self-contained happiness is being content at all times its delight its rest without stress regardless of the circumstances of life. The spiritual life is where you find this God given power and nowhere else its the only way to have self-contained happiness. You are responsible for your own happiness if you are unhappy look to yourself. Self-contained happiness is an inner happiness that gets you to rise above your problems. Self-contained happiness does not depend on someone else it does not surrender to television to people to environment to circumstances. Its having the ability to cope with all categories of adversity rejection, disappointment, hatred, conspiracy. Self-contained happiness is a biblical subject living under the principle of a shared happiness from God by means of the Holy spirit.

Self-contained happiness is related to the filling of the Holy Spirit and cognition of bible doctrine this happiness is a mandate by God. Keep on having happiness all the days of your life its a growing force giving you the ability to cope with everything in life once you reach spiritual maturity its contentment its the other side of the coin of Gods happiness that He shares with believer's in the Lord Jesus Christ. Self-contained happiness doesn't depend on the details of life it depends on believing and by cognition of bible doctrine metabolized in the stream of consciousness, i.e, find your right pastor teacher who teaches from original languages of scripture not the english.
Happiness belongs to the one who's confidence belongs to the lord. Self-contained happiness is a means of glorifying God sharing the thinking of Christ is how to cope with life and all its adversities. Self-contained happiness is part of the great virtues of the christian way of life norms and standards that belong to God.

Happiness belongs to the person that does not condemn himself in what he does. Consider it all happiness when you faced with adversity, because you can handle it with self-contained happiness. This is a contributing factor in handling suffering for your blessings in life. Self-contained happiness overcomes fear, intimidation, stress and loss of health. The bible was written so that the believer has in his soul self-contained happiness. Because Jesus Christ controls history the population of this world will never be destroyed as so many people have tried to imply in relation to nuclear activity of global warming or nuclear war. His power is far far greater than any power of the human race.

Endurance and patience a relaxed mental attitude only exists where there is self-contained happiness. False happiness, stimulation never provides the happiness your looking for its walking on crutches in life. Principle: people who can make you happy temporarily can also make you unhappy even miserable. If people places things or circumstances make you happy then adverse circumstances will make you unhappy. The human power to make one happy always has a dark side. The characteristics of Gods happiness that He mandates us to have is tranquility of soul, its contentment of soul, it does not depend on the political climate of the nation, it does not depend on success or failure, its not phased by any of the adversities of life. Therefore it becomes a very powerful strength in your spiritual life. Tranquility of soul and contentment of soul are the monopoly of the spiritual life.

In the execution of Gods plan we have an escrow with greater blessings than we could ever imagine possible but the conditions of the escrow mandate us to follow instructions to His plan when we do we glorify Him to the maximum and He conveys these greater blessings like sharing His happiness,self-contained happiness. The stream of consciousness is where you live and how you think is who you really are. Gods happiness cleans out the trash in your thinking in your soul. When the trash is removed your happiness increases giving you greater capacity for relationships for love for happiness for success for prosperity for social life. God causes all things to work together for good for those who love God, but God does not cause all things together for good for those who don't have His happiness.

Happiness is the status of the soul not the body, not your sexual life, not your social life, not your financial status thats not happiness. If you find that in the functions of life you are competing with others and you are not succeeding you are going to have great unhappiness in your life. If you succeed in competing with others then you have a false happiness which is quickly lost. All forms of false happiness exists in this life. Gods happiness this self-contained happiness He has given us provides all the council all the solutions you will ever need. Your council is Gods plan for your life it doesn't come from a professional or an expert it comes from the word of God transmitted from the written pages of the new testament to the stream of consciousness of the believer. Gods happiness keeps stress out of the soul. Mankind builds there happiness on making others miserable and unhappy.

Adversity attacks the thinking in the soul you handle it with Gods happiness a self-contained happiness. This is something you learn it's not something you have. Happiness is the one who is confident in Gods word. If you are dependent on money in your life for happiness then you are out of line with God. "Be content with what you have" "I will not be afraid of what man can do to me" "The lord is my helper" "Stop worrying about anything!"