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Building Relationships in the Digital Age

Updated: Mar 6

Building relationships in the digital age in a world full of emails social media platforms and texting messaging apps.

The way we build relationships today has evolved into a space-age practical means of communicating with each other

Just like live video chat and so many new changes that seem to be happening daily.

Today we live with so much chatter in our lives

With email’s overflowing

Social media news feeds that keep piling up with written material, photos and videos,

An overload of information that are impossible to keep up with.

As convenient as technology makes our lives, it also has change the way we build relationships.

The digital age is a game-changer that has raised the bar for every business to stay in.

We must change with the times to stay in the game and remain competitive; however, technology alone is not the difference maker.

The more time technology is squeezed between the potential customer and the distributor the more technology hinders human relationships.

Healthy relationships is the number one factor in creating business growth and longevity.

The balance of technology with social interaction is the crucial element in the digital age business model.

Social media email messenger bots, live stream video and video conferencing is an overview of what a good relationship could look like in this new age we now live in.

Digital Age Relationships are Here to Stay.

The most valuable asset in business is the trust between customer and their distributor, agent or representative.

This relationship has more value than price or best quality or brand

Because customer service is what is most important in any business

That is, taking care of the customers needs.

Every person in your community of prospects and customers

That culture must recognize the importance of each individuals needs and desires.

With all the digital developments over the past decade or so

It is now possible to work entirely online without ever meeting your customers in person.

Tools such as Facebook messenger, telegram, whats app, and Skype or zoom

Have opened up communication channels for national and global expansion opportunities online without the need to leave your home office for larger tasks.

Today product demonstrations product training’s or house parties can all be done using digital capabilities.

This is a far cry from the day when work arrangements and personal customer service relied on face to face in person relations.

Embracing new development in technology like messenger Bots means we can let the computers keep in touch keeping the communications going 24/7 like a sales force or a service department helping us to grow our businesses without having to hire the help.

Well designed websites and e-commerce that allows prospects and customers to be self reliant is a must do in the digital age.

The business models today that will be around for decades to come must be streamlined and outfitted with all the benefits that come from digital marketing technologies.

Quicker delivery of goods and services is at the top of the list when it comes to building relationships in the digital age.

One day delivery is part of the holy grail in customer satisfaction and business longevity.

Today this connection can be strengthened using social media

Social media communities gives you a 24/7 presence online that makes your business more accessible helping to grow long term relationships.

Relationships is like collecting people.

The bigger the collection of people the greater the value of your efforts.

Some people collect coins, some people collect stamps

some people collect cars some people collect stones

But no doubt the most valuable asset you can collect is people.

Ask any politician whats the most valuable thing you can collect

and no doubt its the vote of a person and the accumulation of votes from the people they collect.

People are more valuable than money.

The bigger the list of people in a company the bigger the value of that company. There is a saying in business ” the bigger your list of people the more money you will make”. I have friend with 1 million people on his email list. I know people with over 10 million people on their social media news feeds.

Well, this should be easy to understand because if we look at this from a military standpoint the country with the biggest military is the strongest.

If you were a fan of the series Game of Thrones it was all about who ever could accumulate the most people in their armies they ruled the world.

So, the big question is how do we accumulate lots of people?

Accumulating people who like what you have to say

What you have to offer

And, what you promise is the name of the game in growing and building a successful business.

Reality is people do business with people they like.

Becoming likable is a natural thing to do

It comes easy when you put aside all your prejudices and all your idiosyncrasies that could cause relationship problems.

Like the legendary Bruce Lee told the world

” Become like water, empty your mind be formless shapeless like water.

You put water in a cup it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle you put water in a teapot it becomes the teapot.

Water can flow or it can crash, become water my friend.

That’s how you make friends

That’s how you get people to like you and want to do business with you

or at least stay in touch with you and be in your community of friends.

Get it or not? This way of thinking attracts people to want to know you and learn more about you and what your offering.

Just be nice and treat everyone equal most importantly love everyone with your whole heart.

Simply said the way we build relationships in the digital world is just like we build relationships in our real world.

Become likable and your relationships with others will grow.

Being a nice person a person who cares more about what other’s want than what you want will serve you well.

Like my good friend and personal counselor the late great Jim Rohn said

“Help enough other people get what they want in life and you will get what you want in life”.

Thanks for Reading this blog post hope it helped you.



Hi, I'm Jack Silva

I help unhappy struggling people
Do Better, Look Better and Feel Better
about themselves Since 1987.

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